The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern
28 Nov 2011
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Sorry it's been such a long time without an update, folks. I had a family medical emergency that had me on the road and away from all my review-making accoutrements.
Good for: People who become so absorbed in the well-described and fascinating milieu that they can forget that the premise of the major dilemma is pretty weak.
Alicia said:On Nov 28, 11 at 4:55pm
This book had so much advance publicity and praise so I'm disappointed to hear it was only so-so. Welcome back!
Audrey said:On Nov 28, 11 at 5:03pm
I totally enjoyed it while I was reading it, but about half an hour after I finished I was like, "Hey... wait a second!" I think it's definitely worth a read; it's just some bits of it are inexplicable, and I couldn't look past that to give it a better rating.
Whitney said:On Jan 19, 12 at 11:19pm
I'm listening to the audio book on my commute and I am absolutely LOVING it. Kind of wish I had read it instead of listening.
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