
Midnight Is a Place, by Joan Aiken

A dark, interesting kids book with well-developed characters. Themes: industrialization, child labor, and factory work. Midnight Is A Place. Joan Aiken. Best Thing: Forget the crocodiles in New York's sewers, these people have man-eating boars. Worst Thing: The happy ending. Not that I wanted bad things to happen to the characters! It just seemed like a cop out.


Daniel said:On Sep 13, 10 at 2:40am

Re: "The happy ending": but what does it MEAN?

Audrey said:On Sep 13, 10 at 7:35am

Pretty sure that’s only a single rainbow.

Alicia said:On Sep 21, 10 at 5:48pm

I adore Joan Aiken's books. Those boars are terrifying. My favorite of hers is "The Wolves of Willoughby Chase."

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