
Remarkable, by Elizabeth Foley

Remarkable. Population: Amazing

In the town of Remarkable, everyone is just that—remarkably talented, remarkably intelligent, remarkably strong or even remarkably good-looking—except 10-year-old, completely ordinary Jane Doe, who is of remarkably average height, weight, attractiveness, intelligence, and skill. Jane has trouble standing out in her family and her community (where she is the only student remaining at the non-gifted school, yet is still regularly forgotten by the teachers), but when certain events transpire—including Jane getting the sudden attention of the remarkably dastardly Grimlett twins, the arrival of pirates on Remarkable's shores, and the potential exposure of Remarkable's own secretive lake monster—Jane may turn out to be just the person Remarkable most needs.

By Elizabeth Foley. Book Review. 4 stars

This book, about an ordinary girl rising to the challenge of a remarkable situation, is super fun and full of zany comedy. The word "remarkable" has lost all meaning, hasn't it?

Good for: This fun, comic, and somewhat madcap tale of adventure will appeal to fans of series like The Incorrigible Children and Alex and the Ironic Gentleman.


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